Gabarró colabora con la UIC

Gabarró collaborates with the UIC on its wood project


The students of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture have started the 2024-2025 academic year exploring the potential of wood in the creation of modular refuge spaces and at Gabarró we have collaborated by providing wood for their Vertical Workshop 2024.

During this workshop, students from second to fifth year have designed efficient and sustainable solutions, built prototypes and have been able to appreciate the possibilities of modular wooden structures for the creation of innovative refuge spaces.

Under the motto “Built Yourself. Modular wooden systems for refuge spaces”, the participants have developed 1:2 scale prototypes in which they have reimagined refuge and play spaces, inspired by the concepts of Homo sapiens (the thinker), Homo faber (the builder) and Homo ludens (the player).

“Kigumi”, made with our 45 x 45 Flanders pine slats, has been recognised by the jury as the best project of the workshop. The project stands out for its sensitivity to environmental issues affecting the Barcelona coastline, as it addresses coastal erosion and offers creative and sustainable leisure solutions for citizens.

At Gabarró we are delighted to be able to collaborate with projects like this as we firmly believe that training is an essential value that prepares us for the future.