
Denominación científica:
Lophira alata
Procedencia geográfica:
West and Central Africa.
• Heartwood: The dark chocolate brown. His tone darkens further with exposure to light.
• Fiber: It is usually quite irregular and often intertwined.
• Grain: Bast
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Impregnabilidad Propiedades mecanicas Mecanizacion logo Propiedades fisicas logo
Propiedades mecánicas
• Resistance to static bending 190 M Pa (N / m m2)
• Modulus of elasticity 17 000 M Pa (N / m m2)
• Compressive strength 100 M Pa (N / m m2)
Propiedades físicas
• Sawing: No problems if the machine is powerful and well utillada.
• Drying: Very slow, so be careful to make high risk of Fender and crevices.
• Brush: No problems always used powerful machines.
• Gluing: good wood glued with synthetic resin.
• nails and screws: first necessary to drill wood.
• Finish: No problems