
Denominación científica:
Guarea cedrata Pellegr.; G. laurentii De Wild.
Procedencia geográfica:
  • Sapwood: light brown.
  • Heartwood: pink brown.
  • Fiber: straight, occasionally slightly intertwined.
  • Grain: thin to medium size.
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Impregnabilidad Propiedades mecanicas Mecanizacion logo Propiedades fisicas logo
  • Sapwood: capable of being impregnated.
  • Heartwood: no capable of being impregnated.
Propiedades mecánicas
  • Resistance to static flexion 1.100 kg/cm2.
  • Elasticity module 109.000 kg/cm2.
  • Resistance to compression 510 kg/cm2.
  • Sawing process: easy, except in the presence of silica, a situation that causes fast wear of saws and irritating dust.
  • Drying process: medium speed. Medium risk of deformation and crack formation.
  • Planing process: no difficulties excepting those named cases of silica and the risk of repelling on pieces of intertwined wood.
  • Gluing process: no difficulties.
  • Nailing and screwing process: no difficulties.
  • Finish: no difficulties, except in case of resin exudations , they can be usual .
Propiedades físicas
  • Apparent density at 12% humidity 600 kg/m3 fom semi-light wood to semi-heavy wood.
  • Dimensional stability
  • - Volumetric contraction coefficient 0.43 % variation from stable wood to slightly nervous wood.
  • - Relation between contractions 1.61 no tendency to deformity.
  • Hardness (Chaláis-Meudon) 3.6 semi-hardwood.
  • Albura color clar i duramen més fosc
  • En ocasions, erròniament, li diuen Cedre
  • Existeixen variacions de color importants depenent de la procedència
  • Té una olor molt agradable de cedre, com indica el seu nom, però amb el temps desapareix.