
Denominación científica:
Piptadeniastrum africanum
Procedencia geográfica:
The West Coast of Africa, especially Ivory Thing, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo and Zaire.

The sapwood and heartwood of timber Dabema are quite different. The sapwood is greyish white, while a colored heartwood is quite variable: pale golden brown, yellow-green or grayish-yellow, sometimes reminiscent of the oak.

The growth rings are barely visible in both the test and in the detailing.

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Impregnabilidad Propiedades mecanicas Mecanizacion logo Propiedades fisicas logo
Propiedades mecánicas
• Resistance to static bending 110 M Pa (N/mm2)
• Modulus of elasticity 11 000 M Pa (N/mm2)
• Compressive Strength 58 M Pa (N/mm2)
• Sawing: Easy, when used saws strong, powerful and equipped with good suction.
• Drying: It is generally slow and difficult to dry, both outdoors and in camera.
• Brush: Due to frequent and sometimes very contrafil accused of wood, not give satisfactory results unless you use low angles of attack, about 15 degrees. However, s'espiga well. The polished wood to remove part of the imperfections of the production.
• Gluing: No problems
• nails and screws: No problems
• Finish: painted or varnished is without difficulties, previously applied treatment cover pores. Although it is not suitable for wood varnish, although the contrary is dyed and painted easily.
Propiedades físicas
• Bulk density at 12% moisture wood semi-hard 700 kg/m3.
• Dimensional stability

- Total 14% volumetric contraction wooden stable to slightly nervous

• Hardness (Chalais-Meudon) 4.1 semi hard wood