
Denominación científica:
Clorophora excelsa Benth.&Hooff.; C. regia A. Chev
Procedencia geográfica:
  • Sapwood: yellowish white colour.
  • Heartwood: yellowish brown that changes into reddish grey with the lights effects.
  • Fiber: straight, usually slightly intertwined.
  • Grain: medium size to rough.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Impregnabilidad Propiedades mecanicas Mecanizacion logo Propiedades fisicas logo
  • Sapwood: capable of being impregnated.
  • Heartwood: no capable of being impregnated.
Propiedades mecánicas
  • Resistance to static flexion 955 kg/cm2.
  • Elasticity module 105,000 kg/cm2.
  • Resistance to compression 540 kg/cm2.
  • Resistance to parallel traction 800 kg/cm2.
  • Sawing process: no difficulties except certain abrasivity due to the chalky deposits.
  • Drying process: medium to high speed. Little risk of deformation and crack formation.
  • Planing process: generally easy in exception of its abrasivity and the risk of repelling when it has intertwined fibers.
  • Gluing process: difficulties with the casein glues.
  • Nailing and screwing process: no difficulties.
  • Finish: It has tannins that can inhibit oxidant varnishes (such as poliurethan and others) ,drying process.
Propiedades físicas
  • Apparent density at 12% humidity 650 kg/m3 semi-heavy wood.
  • Dimensional stability
  • - Volumetric contraction coefficientm 0.36 % stable wood.
  • - Relation between contractions 1.57% no tendency to deformity.
  • Hardness (Chaláis-Meudon) 3.9 semi-hardwood.
  • L'albura NO es pot utilitzar
  • En algunes zones, i de forma errònia, en diuen Teka.
  • En serrar-lo, presenta coloracions diverses que s'igualen posteriorment
  • Té característiques similars a la de la fusta de Teca, per això se'l coneix com la Teca Africana. No obstant, és una mica més lleugera i menys greixosa.
  • Actualment, és la nostra fusta més venuda i de la que tenim més estoc.