
Denominación científica:
Erythopleum utile Sprangue; E. Suaveolensis Brenan
Procedencia geográfica:
  • Sapwood: Yellowish white to pinkish white, clearly distinct
  • Heartwood: yellowish gery to reddish grey
  • Fiber: Straight, frequently intertwined or very intertwined
  • Grain: Slightly/occasionally interlocked to highly/frequently interlocked
Talí / Elondo
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Impregnabilidad Propiedades mecanicas Mecanizacion logo Propiedades fisicas logo
  • Sapwood: Medium capacity of being impregnated
  • Heartwood: Low capacity of being impregnated
Propiedades mecánicas
  • Resistance to static flexion 1,700 kg/cm2
  • Elasticity module 140,000 kg/cm2
  • Resistance to parallel compression 750 kg/cm2
  • Resistance to parallel traction 1,200 kg/cm2
  • Sawing process: ordinary difficulties arise from hardness
  • Drying process: very slow. High risk of deformation and lower risk of crack formation
  • Planing process: Difficult due to its hardness and to the risk of repelling and splinting. Slow mechanisation is highly recommended
  • Gluing process: Tannins hamper proper adherence
  • Nailing and screwing process: pre-drilling is recommended due to the hardness
  • Finish: Rubber deposits can locally inhibit varnish adherence
Propiedades físicas
  •  Apparent density at 12% humidity 920 kg/m3 very heavy wood
  • Dimensional stability
  • - Volumetric contraction coefficient 0.52%. It varies from nervous wood to very nervous wood
  • - Relation between contractions 1.7% no tendency to deformity
  • Hardness (Chaláis-Meudon) 8.5 very hard wood
  • En algunes zones d'Espanya en diuen Bolondo
  • A la guia ATIBT figura com a Talí
  • A més, quant a preu és una de les que millor posicionada està de totes les espècies recomanades per a exterior.
  • A destacar el fet de tenir en estoc també fusta d'amplada fixa el que facilita al fuster el càlcul de costos quan han de passar cotització al client final.