Oak Veneer is the protagonist in the decoration and furniture of this hotel

Proyecto 123192
Proyecto 123192 secundaria
Proyecto 123192 secundaria

For the furniture in the rooms and the decoration, European oak veneered boards have been used. For the furniture and decorative details of the dining room, birch plywood veneered with mesh European oak has been used so that the edges can be seen. For the decoration of the corridors, oak veneer has also been used, but in this case, it has been used only with oak veneer on one side and fiber inside.

Veneered boards are the result of plating on different supports through a gluing and pressing process, a wood veneer either natural or pre-composed. To later finish it by giving a layer of stain or varnish. Therefore, it is a very suitable material for the manufacture of all kinds of furniture, or to create spaces with infinite possibilities, maintaining the warmth and charm of solid wood. This is what this project of the Cortabitarte Hotel in Soria has achieved.

