Noticia 121168 en

2021 has been a year full of projects, get to know them!


This 2021 we have collaborated with numerous projects focused on sustainability and innovation. Projects in which, with the use of our materials, it has been possible to build and carry out different initiatives both in the academic, commercial or research fields.
This 2021, Gabarró has supplied Lunawood heat-treated wood for the La Pinada Lab project, the innovation space for sustainability in urban environments that is being built in the eco-sustainable neighborhood of La Pinada, Paterna (Valencia). A true laboratory for testing innovative and sustainable products. We provide almost 4,000 linear meters of material, specifically: Luna Triple tongue and groove, Luna Deck flooring and 92 x 42 cm profiles, all of them durable and non-toxic materials, for the facades and the atrium flooring.

We have also participated with the ETSAV (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallès) of the UPC in the construction of two outdoor classrooms for two educational centers. In both projects, the students used a total of 90m2 of 1250 x 2500 x 18mm boards. made of birch plywood quality B-S / BB. This project was aimed at creating two outdoor classrooms that could be practical and functional in the face of an extraordinary situation such as that experienced with the Covid.
Finally, another project in which we have been very excited to have had the opportunity to participate has been the solidarity project #YoMeCorono, the initiative that has channeled solidarity with research on COVID-19. In this case, we gave different types of wood to equip the camper van by the couple of actors Marc Clotet and Natalia Sánchez who was raffled by the entity with the aim of continuing to raise funds for the Coronavirus investigation.
It has been a pleasure to have participated in all these actions, being able to do our bit to make them a success.
Thank you all for making this possible!