Noticia 124736 en

Generational change in the Gabarró management team


Ramón Gabarró Badia has submitted his resignation as a member of the Board of Directors and as President of our company, Gabarró. Ramon Gabarró Badia joined the company at a very young age while his brother Joan did so a few years later and together they moved forward and successfully overcame the different crises and adverse situations from 1954 to recent years and became who we are.

In addition to dedication to the family business, Mr. Ramón Gabarró Badia has achieved various important positions both at the local and national level such as President of the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sabadell (Barcelona), President of the Caixa d'Estalvis of Sabadell or President of the Spanish Association of Commerce and Industry of Wood (AEIM), among many others.

With the incorporation of Joan Gabarró Olivé and Ramón Gabarró Taulé, the latter as General Director, the company has been advancing satisfactorily all these years.

The Board of Directors of Gabarró has decided to appoint Mr. Ramón Gabarró Badia as Honorary President in recognition of his successful career leading our company throughout all these years. The Council has also agreed to elect Joan Gabarró Olivé as the new President and Ramón Gabarró Pla as a member, for a period of 3 years.