Noticia 123498 en
Noticia 123498

Products for formwork, we explain the main characteristics


There are currently two main types of products used for formwork:

Sawn wood – Formwork wood is normally wood that is not usually used in carpentry, and that is usually of lower quality, since it comes into direct contact with the concrete and it is not necessary that they have a first quality or be free of knots. .

Formwork board- This system currently enjoys better preferences since it is a more effective system and thanks to its texture when it comes into contact with the concrete, the finish is much less rough than with sawn wood.

The main formwork boards are:

  • Three-layer formwork board, composed as indicated by 3 layers glued together, the outer faces go longitudinally and the inner faces crosswise to give the board greater resistance. This board is generally made of coniferous wood (pine, fir...)
  • Plywood board with phenolic film (resistant to moisture) on both sides. These boards meet the high requirements on the concrete surface and the large number of uses. The most used woods for this type of boards are birch, eucalyptus, pine and fir. They are plywood boards with crossed and alternate veneers, glued with phenolic resin and with the edges protected with water-resistant acrylic paint. Plywood Formwork Sveza Deck 350 is the product that we currently have in stock at Gabarró: plywood board with phenolic film.

Apart from the characteristics that are sought for the formwork, what will make us decide on the type of formwork board is the price, this can vary if the interior sheets are made of coniferous wood such as pine or fir, or hardwood. like birch.