Noticia 123485 en

Sample kits and displays, the best way to get to know our floorings.


There are many studies that highlight the importance of placing displays and samples at the point of sale to help market a product. This is why at Gabarró we have a wide variety of displays and sample kits for all our brands and collections of indoor flooring.

Customers can interact with the product at the point of sale. With the panels available, different characteristics of the parquet can be observed, such as the tone, the composition of several planks, the intensity of the bevel or the type of joint, among others. In addition, all the references can be compared so that the customer can choose the one that best suits their preferences.

At Gabarró we have kits with Adore vinyl flooring panels, Medfloor Line and Egger Pro laminate flooring and Medfloor multilayer wood flooring. All references in stock are available and you can also purchase the display stand to place all the samples in an orderly manner.

If you still need more information you can contact your sales representative who will advise you on how to choose from the wide variety of options we offer.

Take the step towards Gabarró kits to boost your sales!